Decorative Element










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Change It Up Program

Small Change, Big Impact

Change It Up program

Maximize Your Savings Effortlessly with Forrit’s Change It Up Program. Enroll now to see small change from everyday purchases make a big impact on your savings. Discover how easy it is to round up your debit card transactions and watch your savings grow. Get started today!

Building up your savings is a challenge, but Forrit makes it easy through our Change It Up Program.* Every purchase made with your debit card is rounded up to the next dollar, and at the end of each day we’ll transfer all that small change to your savings account. It just makes cents!

How it works?

  1. Enroll – you will need a Checking account with debit card and a Savings account to enroll into the program.
  2. Round Up – We will round up the change from each debit card purchase to the nearest dollar amount.
  3. Roll Over – The total change from your debit card purchases will automatically roll over to your Savings account at the end of each day.

Watch it Grow!

Purchases Price Round Up To Amount to Savings
Coffee $4.25 $5.00 $0.75
Gas $34.17 $35.00 $0.83
Groceries $56.42 $57.00 $0.58
Lunch $14.05 $15.00 $0.95
  Total amount transfers to savings1: $3.11

How to Enroll?

  • Enroll through Change It Up enrollment form in Online Banking or
  • Connect with us to get started!

* Change It Up program is eligible for debit card purchases only. Debit card transactions will round up to the nearest dollar amount, and accumulated change will be made through one transfer from your checking account to your savings account each day. Funds are transferred only if they are available; in the event of insufficient funds, transfer will not occur. Funds cannot be transfer to Individual Retirement Accounts or Certificates of Deposit.

1. The chart calculation is for illustration purposes; actual saving will be reflected from your debit card purchases.