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Financial Calculators

Crunch the numbers with these calculators.

Use these tools to quickly research the impact rates will have on your finances.

Mortgage Calculators

Maximum Mortgage - Determine your maximum mortgage
Mortgage Comparison: 15 years vs 30 years - Compare two mortgage terms
Mortgage Refinance Break Even - Should you refinance your mortgage?
Refinance Interest Savings - Determine the interest you can save

Loan Calculators

Amortizing Loan Calculator - Calculate your loan amount or loan payment
Debt Consolidation Calculator - Should you consolidate your debt?
Loan Comparison Calculator - Compare loan options

Credit Cards and Debt Management Calculators

Credit Card Minimum Payment - Determine credit card minimum payments
How Much Do You Owe? - Determine your debt amount
Roll-Down Your Credit Card - Manage your credit card debit

Personal Finance Calculators

Checkbook Balancer - Balance your checkbook
Home Budget Analysis - Analyze your budget
Student Budget - Analyze college expenses

Auto Calculators

Auto Rebate vs Low Interest Financing - Compare auto rebate and financing options
Car Loan Calculator - Calculate your car loan payments
Dealer Financing vs Credit Union Financing - Compare auto financing options
Lease vs Buy - Compare auto lease and purchase options

Retirement Savings and Planning Calculators

Retirement Nest Egg Calculator - Determine your retirement savings

Savings Calculators

Certificate of Deposit Calculator - Calculate interest of Certificate of Deposit (CD)
College Savings - Develop education savings plan
Don't Delay Your Savings! - Determine the impact of postponing savings plan
Emergency Savings Calculator - Determine emergency savings
Home Buyer Savings Calculator - Create a savings plan towards home purchase
Savings Calculator - Create a savings strategy

Information and interactive calculators are made available to you as self-help tools for your independent use and are not intended to provide investment advice. We cannot and do not guarantee their applicability or accuracy regarding your individual circumstances. All examples are hypothetical and are for illustrative purposes only. We encourage you to seek personalized advice from qualified professionals regarding all personal finance issues.